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Google invited young students to start activating themselves over a stage built by Di&P

This past week Externa and Di&P assembled and decored at Madrid Campus the space where the Activate Google Courses took place.

This program that wants to teach Spanish young people how to apply digital competences to the professional world started in 2014.

Activate are free courses aim for those who are trying to look for a job, starting a new entrepreneurship or trying to reach a professional growing.

"El Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital, EOI, Fundación Incyde and more than 29 Spanish Universities" also contribute to this initiative that has already form more than 300.000 young Spanish people.

Even though these courses are given all around Spain, Di&P and Externa were very privileged to be able to participate in the one that was given in Spain decorating and assembling the stage.

To do it they put corporate, die-cut, foam signs. They also decorated this signs with fluorescent led (red, green and blue) lights.

Are you interested in this proposal? Find out more about it here.

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