Events and Stands Fall Trends
The cold returns, a new season has changed and also the deco! Here are the latest trends to decorate your corporate event or stand

Love is in the air thanks to Deliveroo
The British fast food delivery company, declared that Madrid is the least romantic city in Spain, and therefore, it devised a plan to change

Environmental impact caused by the production of events
Organazing an event always causes, impacts in the environment. Today we are going to name some of the most frequent consequences in order to

Google invited young students to start activating themselves over a stage built by Di&P
This past week Externa and Di&P assembled and decored at Madrid Campus the space where the Activate Google Courses took place. This...

Google announced it's new digital formation program for workers
Last week Google and the UGT announced it's new digital formation program for workers at a press room assembled by Di&P.

A congress with social responsibility: CONAMA 2018
We are very proud to announce that we are going to be part of CONAMA, the congress where people and companies work together to make a greene

The GSMA Mobile World Congress has been celebrated from 27 February to 2 March in Barcelona succsesfully. DI&P has produced and design...

Last weekend "Las Rutas de Cervantes Event" was celebrated at Reina SofÃa Museum. We´ve constructed some counters, podiums and a stage for...

Last week we've been developing the decoration for Medcap Forum event that took place at La Bolsa. We were in produced the decoration...

Today was the first day of FICOD at Madrid Municipal Palace of Congress. "La cita de economia digital más destacada" and DI&P were in...