Tips to go to Real State Expos
To make the most of real estate expos or to find your desired property you should follow these recommendations.

Ecological Furniture
Today we are going to talk about materials 100% recyclable and / or recycled: ecologicalfurniture.

Environmental impact caused by the production of events
Organazing an event always causes, impacts in the environment. Today we are going to name some of the most frequent consequences in order to

Google invited young students to start activating themselves over a stage built by Di&P
This past week Externa and Di&P assembled and decored at Madrid Campus the space where the Activate Google Courses took place. This...

How to build a sustainable stand?
The life of a stand is very short: you build it for an expo and then it gets destroyed. So, why not choose building an environmental friendl

A delight for the palate: "Ahumados Dominguez" corner
The Spanish Company "Ahumados DomÃnguez" asked Di&P the design, assembly, and decoration of its new gastronomic space at El Co

A powerful material for stand design: Wood
Today we are going to talk about one of the most versatile materials used in decor and stand production: Wood.

Google announced it's new digital formation program for workers
Last week Google and the UGT announced it's new digital formation program for workers at a press room assembled by Di&P.

A congress with social responsibility: CONAMA 2018
We are very proud to announce that we are going to be part of CONAMA, the congress where people and companies work together to make a greene

Benefits of Corporate Event Planning
Corporate events are powerful communication instruments that will help you establish new relationships and create loyalty with clients.